
Tão elegante como a ave majestosa que lhe dá o nome.

Para além das suas linhas sóbrias e elegantes, a Falcon oferece uma flexibilidade de escrita incrível graças à flexibilidade do seu aparo em ouro de 14 quilates, que pode ser adaptado a qualquer ângulo de escrita para traços completos e suaves.

Desde 299€ incluindo IVA
Coleção Falcon

Coleção Falcon

Falcon Blue
Falcon Black
Falcon Brown
Falcon Red

Falcon Blue

The major strength of this writing instrument is its nib – an extraordinary softness.

The Falcon meets the demands of those who value the quality and pleasure of writing, to the look, the security and the persistence of passing trends, without being conventional.

The Falcon has a lacquered steel barrel and a 14-Karat gold rhodium-plated nib, available in 4 nib sizes: soft extra fine, soft fine, soft medium and soft broad

Falcon Black

The major strength of this writing instrument is its nib – an extraordinary softness.

The Falcon meets the demands of those who value the quality and pleasure of writing, to the look, the security and the persistence of passing trends, without being conventional.

The Falcon has a lacquered steel barrel and a 14-Karat gold rhodium-plated nib, available in 4 nib sizes: soft extra fine, soft fine, soft medium and soft broad

Falcon Brown

The major strength of this writing instrument is its nib – an extraordinary softness.

The Falcon meets the demands of those who value the quality and pleasure of writing, to the look, the security and the persistence of passing trends, without being conventional.

The Falcon has a lacquered steel barrel and a 14-Karat gold rhodium-plated nib, available in 4 nib sizes: soft extra fine, soft fine, soft medium and soft broad

Falcon Red

The major strength of this writing instrument is its nib – an extraordinary softness.

The Falcon meets the demands of those who value the quality and pleasure of writing, to the look, the security and the persistence of passing trends, without being conventional.

The Falcon has a lacquered steel barrel and a 14-Karat gold rhodium-plated nib, available in 4 nib sizes: soft extra fine, soft fine, soft medium and soft broad

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