Marcadores Pintor.

O marcador de tinta multi-superfícies dedicado a actividades de lazer criativas

O Pilot Pintor é um marcador de tinta à base de água que pode ser utilizado na maioria das superfícies. É perfeito para personalizar, fazer trabalhos manuais, rabiscar, colorir e decorar tudo o que possa imaginar – a sua imaginação é o único limite.

30 cores misturáveis

Os marcadores de tinta multi-superfície da Pintor estão disponíveis em 30 cores opacas e intensas, e estão disponíveis em 5 gamas:

  • Metálico,
  • Divertido,
  • Clássico,
  • Pastel
  • Néon,

que cobrem completamente todas as superfícies, mesmo as mais escuras.

Pode misturar a tinta com outras cores para criar tonalidades únicas e pessoais antes de secar. Quando seca, as cores sobrepõem-se para acrescentar pormenores ou profundidade às suas criações. Perfeito para bricolage!

Gama Pintor

Gama Pintor




Unleash your imagination! Pilot Pintor expresses your creative talent.

Want to redesign clothing, personalise an object, customise furniture or decorate dishes? Pilot Pintor brings all of your ideas to every material.
Perfect for drawing, colouring, decorating, marking, writing, calligraphy, and more. With its ultra-covering power, this pigment-rich water-based ink covers any surface, even the darkest ones. Paper, glass, ceramic, plastic, metal, fabric… Pilot Pintor decorates all materials, including porous and dark surfaces.

Pilot Pintor puts colour anywhere you want it! Available in 24 colours for tip widths: Extra fine (0.7 mm) and Fine (1.0 mm). Tip widths: Medium (1.4 mm) and Broad (8.0 mm) count 30 colours each including 6 vibrant neon colours for incredibly eye catching customisations. Pilot Pintor is ready for all your decoration, customisation, personalisation, scrapbooking needs, and much more.

Embark on a creative journey with Pilot Pintor and all of the available tips, going from meticulous creations using the extra fine tip to doing artwork that requires colouring in with the wide tip. Results are the colour of your inspiration!



Unleash your imagination! Pilot Pintor expresses your creative talent.

Want to redesign clothing, personalise an object, customise furniture or decorate dishes? Pilot Pintor brings all of your ideas to every material.
Perfect for drawing, colouring, decorating, marking, writing, calligraphy, and more. With its ultra-covering power, this pigment-rich water-based ink covers any surface, even the darkest ones. Paper, glass, ceramic, plastic, metal, fabric… Pilot Pintor decorates all materials, including porous and dark surfaces.

Pilot Pintor puts colour anywhere you want it! Available in 24 colours for tip widths: Extra fine (0.7 mm) and Fine (1.0 mm). Tip widths: Medium (1.4 mm) and Broad (8.0 mm) count 30 colours each including 6 vibrant neon colours for incredibly eye catching customisations. Pilot Pintor is ready for all your decoration, customisation, personalisation, scrapbooking needs, and much more.

Embark on a creative journey with Pilot Pintor and all of the available tips, going from meticulous creations using the extra fine tip to doing artwork that requires colouring in with the wide tip. Results are the colour of your inspiration!



Unleash your imagination! Pilot Pintor expresses your creative talent.

Want to redesign clothing, personalise an object, customise furniture or decorate dishes? Pilot Pintor brings all of your ideas to every material.
Perfect for drawing, colouring, decorating, marking, writing, calligraphy, and more. With its ultra-covering power, this pigment-rich water-based ink covers any surface, even the darkest ones. Paper, glass, ceramic, plastic, metal, fabric… Pilot Pintor decorates all materials, including porous and dark surfaces.

Pilot Pintor puts colour anywhere you want it! Available in 24 colours for tip widths: Extra fine (0.7 mm) and Fine (1.0 mm). Tip widths: Medium (1.4 mm) and Broad (8.0 mm) count 30 colours each including 6 vibrant neon colours for incredibly eye catching customisations. Pilot Pintor is ready for all your decoration, customisation, personalisation, scrapbooking needs, and much more.

Embark on a creative journey with Pilot Pintor and all of the available tips, going from meticulous creations using the extra fine tip to doing artwork that requires colouring in with the wide tip. Results are the colour of your inspiration!



Unleash your imagination! Pilot Pintor expresses your creative talent.

Want to redesign clothing, personalise an object, customise furniture or decorate dishes? Pilot Pintor brings all of your ideas to every material.
Perfect for drawing, colouring, decorating, marking, writing, calligraphy, and more. With its ultra-covering power, this pigment-rich water-based ink covers any surface, even the darkest ones. Paper, glass, ceramic, plastic, metal, fabric… Pilot Pintor decorates all materials, including porous and dark surfaces.

Pilot Pintor puts colour anywhere you want it! Available in 24 colours for tip widths: Extra fine (0.7 mm) and Fine (1.0 mm). Tip widths: Medium (1.4 mm) and Broad (8.0 mm) count 30 colours each including 6 vibrant neon colours for incredibly eye catching customisations. Pilot Pintor is ready for all your decoration, customisation, personalisation, scrapbooking needs, and much more.

Embark on a creative journey with Pilot Pintor and all of the available tips, going from meticulous creations using the extra fine tip to doing artwork that requires colouring in with the wide tip. Results are the colour of your inspiration!


Escreve na maioria das superfícies!

as minhas cores, as minhas criações em todo o lado.

Expresse a sua individualidade e criatividade numa gama vibrante de cores com o marcador artístico multi-superfícies da Pilot

Em superfícies porosas como a madeira, o papel, o cartão, o tecido, a pedra… Estes marcadores são diretamente permanentes.
 Em superfícies lisas não porosas, como o plástico, o vidro, o metal, a cerâmica, a tinta pode ser limpa com um pano húmido e detergente da loiça. Basta aplicar um verniz para tornar a sua criação permanente.



Perguntas frequentes

Marcadores Pintor

  • Como preparar a ponta?

    Antes de utilizar, agite o seu marcador Pintor cerca de 20 vezes, ouvindo a bola a mover-se no tambor. Prepare a ponta pressionando 3-4 vezes num pedaço de papel de rascunho, até que a tinta comece a fluir.


    Shake and start

  • Como guardar os marcadores Pintor?

    Guardar na horizontal ou com a ponta virada para cima.

    Store them

  • Multi-superfície? Quais são os tipos de compatibilidade de materiais?

    O marcador Pilot Pintor pode ser utilizado em:

    • Madeira, madeira melanina
    • Vidro e vidro fosco
    • Plástico
    • Metal-Aço, alumínio e revestido a epóxi
    • Papel
    • Caixa de cartão
    • Poliestireno
    • Porcelana
    • Tecido: 100% algodão/linho; poliéster/estanho; popeline
    • Couro
    • Mineral (como pedras)
    • Quadro negro

    Para mais informações sobre a compatibilidade dos materiais, descarregue o folheto da Pintor. Note-se que a compatibilidade, a precisão do traço e o poder de cobertura são diferentes consoante o material. As dicas para fixar a tinta para obter melhores resultados e resistência à água também podem ser específicas consoante o material. Para obter mais informações, consulte o folheto de instruções para descarregar.

  • Os marcadores Pilot Pintor são recarregáveis?

    Os marcadores Pilot Pintor não são recarregáveis.

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